
英語・英会話 その他の言語の個人レッスン

Teacher No.1776

Obasi Agbai  


31歳  男性
対象地域:東京都 大阪府 岩手県
✔︎ チェック済み教師に追加

1,500円 / 60分

1,500円 / 60分
1,500円 / 60分


  • 一覧
  • レッスン情報
  • メッセージ
  • レッスン可能時間
  • プロフィール•経歴
  • レッスンのやり方


千代田区 中央区 港区 新宿区 文京区 台東区 墨田区 江東区 品川区 目黒区 大田区 世田谷区 渋谷区 中野区 杉並区 豊島区 北区 荒川区 板橋区 練馬区 足立区 葛飾区 江戸川区 八王子市 立川市 武蔵野市 三鷹市 青梅市 府中市 昭島市 調布市 町田市 小金井市 小平市 日野市 東村山市 国分寺市 国立市 福生市 狛江市 東大和市 清瀬市 東久留米市 武蔵村山市 多摩市 稲城市 羽村市 あきる野市 西東京市 瑞穂町 日の出町 檜原村 奥多摩町 大島町 利島村 新島村 神津島村 三宅村 御蔵島村 八丈町 青ヶ島村 小笠原村 

大阪市 堺市 岸和田市 豊中市 池田市 吹田市 泉大津市 高槻市 貝塚市 守口市 枚方市 茨木市 八尾市 泉佐野市 富田林市 寝屋川市 河内長野市 松原市 大東市 和泉市 箕面市 柏原市 羽曳野市 門真市 摂津市 高石市 藤井寺市 東大阪市 泉南市 四條畷市 交野市 大阪狭山市 阪南市 島本町 豊能町 能勢町 忠岡町 熊取町 田尻町 岬町 太子町 河南町 千早赤阪村 

盛岡市 宮古市 大船渡市 花巻市 北上市 久慈市 遠野市 一関市 陸前高田市 釜石市 二戸市 八幡平市 奥州市 滝沢市 雫石町 葛巻町 岩手町 紫波町 矢巾町 西和賀町 金ケ崎町 平泉町 住田町 大槌町 山田町 岩泉町 田野畑村 普代村 軽米町 野田村 九戸村 洋野町 一戸町 
望ましいレッスン実施場所 Any
体験レッスンに関して In a trial lesson with me, we will discuss the learners individual needs and goals, and I will tailor the lesson to suit their specific needs.
I will start off by finding out their English level and working on some activities suitable for their level. This involves focus on one topic area where we learn stories and practice speaking via reading aloud.

Through a combination of practical exercises and personalised feedback, I will help the student develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in taking their English skills to the next level.

オンラインレッスンに関して In my online lessons, I focus on helping my students excel in their English speaking and comprehension skills. Whether they are preparing for an important exam or simply seeking to improve their communication abilities, I employ practical exercises that allow them to start speaking English straight away.

My approach centers around building confidence in my students and helping them develop the necessary skills to express themselves effectively. To accomplish this, I utilize a range of tools and techniques, including interactive exercises, role-playing scenarios, and personalized feedback.

Through these methods, my students are able to improve their clarity of speech, master the art of effective communication, and ultimately, achieve their language learning goals. So if you are looking to take your English speaking and comprehension skills to the next level, I invite you to join me for an engaging and rewarding learning experience that will transform the way you communicate in English.


Hello! My name is Obasi and I am excited to introduce myself to you. With over seven years of experience as a radio host and a degree in linguistics, I have a passion for language and communication that has driven me to become a TEFL certified tutor with 120 hours of training.

My goal as your English tutor is to help you take your language skills to the next level. Whether you are looking to improve your grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, I am here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals. With my expertise in mass communication and linguistics, I am confident that I can help you not only improve your English language proficiency but also develop effective communication skills that will serve you well in all areas of your life.

So if you're ready to take your English to the next level, I encourage you to take the first step and schedule a session with me today. Together, we will embark on a journey of language learning and personal growth that will empower you to achieve your full potential. I look forward to working with you!


午前 お昼 午後


Loving and kind-hearted, I am a person who cherishes the simple pleasures in life. Reading and writing have always been my go-to activities, but I also enjoy challenging my mind with a game of Scrabble or losing myself in the melody of my favorite tunes. When I'm feeling creative, I love experimenting with different languages and exploring their intricacies. On the technical side, I possess skills in audio and video editing using Fruity Loops and Adobe Premier Pro, which allow me to express my artistic side in a digital format. Overall, I am a passionate and multi-talented individual who takes pride in pursuing my hobbies and honing my skills.


As an experienced communicator with a background as a radio host and public speaking tutor on, my teaching style is focused on creating a comfortable and confident learning environment for my students. I understand that speaking a new language can be intimidating, so I prioritize making my students feel supported and encouraged throughout the learning process.

In my lessons, I emphasize the importance of speaking and encourage my students to start using the language right away. I understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and I help my students overcome their fear of making errors by providing gentle corrections and offering words of encouragement.

At the same time, I work on refining their speaking skills by focusing on key components that are essential for being understood, and then gradually incorporating grammar rules to help them become more fluent and accurate speakers. Overall, my teaching style is patient, empathetic, and tailored to each individual student's needs and learning style.
千代田区 中央区 港区 新宿区 文京区 台東区 墨田区 江東区 品川区 目黒区 大田区 世田谷区 渋谷区 中野区 杉並区 豊島区 北区 荒川区 板橋区 練馬区 足立区 葛飾区 江戸川区 八王子市 立川市 武蔵野市 三鷹市 青梅市 府中市 昭島市 調布市 町田市 小金井市 小平市 日野市 東村山市 国分寺市 国立市 福生市 狛江市 東大和市 清瀬市 東久留米市 武蔵村山市 多摩市 稲城市 羽村市 あきる野市 西東京市 瑞穂町 日の出町 檜原村 奥多摩町 大島町 利島村 新島村 神津島村 三宅村 御蔵島村 八丈町 青ヶ島村 小笠原村 

大阪市 堺市 岸和田市 豊中市 池田市 吹田市 泉大津市 高槻市 貝塚市 守口市 枚方市 茨木市 八尾市 泉佐野市 富田林市 寝屋川市 河内長野市 松原市 大東市 和泉市 箕面市 柏原市 羽曳野市 門真市 摂津市 高石市 藤井寺市 東大阪市 泉南市 四條畷市 交野市 大阪狭山市 阪南市 島本町 豊能町 能勢町 忠岡町 熊取町 田尻町 岬町 太子町 河南町 千早赤阪村 

盛岡市 宮古市 大船渡市 花巻市 北上市 久慈市 遠野市 一関市 陸前高田市 釜石市 二戸市 八幡平市 奥州市 滝沢市 雫石町 葛巻町 岩手町 紫波町 矢巾町 西和賀町 金ケ崎町 平泉町 住田町 大槌町 山田町 岩泉町 田野畑村 普代村 軽米町 野田村 九戸村 洋野町 一戸町 
望ましいレッスン実施場所 Any
体験レッスンに関して In a trial lesson with me, we will discuss the learners individual needs and goals, and I will tailor the lesson to suit their specific needs.
I will start off by finding out their English level and working on some activities suitable for their level. This involves focus on one topic area where we learn stories and practice speaking via reading aloud.

Through a combination of practical exercises and personalised feedback, I will help the student develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in taking their English skills to the next level.

オンラインレッスンに関して In my online lessons, I focus on helping my students excel in their English speaking and comprehension skills. Whether they are preparing for an important exam or simply seeking to improve their communication abilities, I employ practical exercises that allow them to start speaking English straight away.

My approach centers around building confidence in my students and helping them develop the necessary skills to express themselves effectively. To accomplish this, I utilize a range of tools and techniques, including interactive exercises, role-playing scenarios, and personalized feedback.

Through these methods, my students are able to improve their clarity of speech, master the art of effective communication, and ultimately, achieve their language learning goals. So if you are looking to take your English speaking and comprehension skills to the next level, I invite you to join me for an engaging and rewarding learning experience that will transform the way you communicate in English.

Hello! My name is Obasi and I am excited to introduce myself to you. With over seven years of experience as a radio host and a degree in linguistics, I have a passion for language and communication that has driven me to become a TEFL certified tutor with 120 hours of training.

My goal as your English tutor is to help you take your language skills to the next level. Whether you are looking to improve your grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, I am here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals. With my expertise in mass communication and linguistics, I am confident that I can help you not only improve your English language proficiency but also develop effective communication skills that will serve you well in all areas of your life.

So if you're ready to take your English to the next level, I encourage you to take the first step and schedule a session with me today. Together, we will embark on a journey of language learning and personal growth that will empower you to achieve your full potential. I look forward to working with you!
午前 お昼 午後
Loving and kind-hearted, I am a person who cherishes the simple pleasures in life. Reading and writing have always been my go-to activities, but I also enjoy challenging my mind with a game of Scrabble or losing myself in the melody of my favorite tunes. When I'm feeling creative, I love experimenting with different languages and exploring their intricacies. On the technical side, I possess skills in audio and video editing using Fruity Loops and Adobe Premier Pro, which allow me to express my artistic side in a digital format. Overall, I am a passionate and multi-talented individual who takes pride in pursuing my hobbies and honing my skills.
As an experienced communicator with a background as a radio host and public speaking tutor on, my teaching style is focused on creating a comfortable and confident learning environment for my students. I understand that speaking a new language can be intimidating, so I prioritize making my students feel supported and encouraged throughout the learning process.

In my lessons, I emphasize the importance of speaking and encourage my students to start using the language right away. I understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and I help my students overcome their fear of making errors by providing gentle corrections and offering words of encouragement.

At the same time, I work on refining their speaking skills by focusing on key components that are essential for being understood, and then gradually incorporating grammar rules to help them become more fluent and accurate speakers. Overall, my teaching style is patient, empathetic, and tailored to each individual student's needs and learning style.


































